Monday, December 30, 2013

Clean Up

We had 12" of snow overnight. Hubby is snoozing in the recliner after working all night long. Our Mini Daschund must have missed him because he's snuggled in with him sleeping.
Another snow storm is predicted for Thursday and Friday.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Search Continues....

I've been searching today searching for other options for our farming endeavor. I've even expanded the town search but so far there are very few places I like. Either I like the look of the house online and there's no land, or, there's land and a tiny house to go with it. Oye!
Thankfully I have plenty of time to search for " the perfect for us" homestead but it's frustrating a little at the same time. I honestly want to find a farmhouse on at least 5 acres of land.
I know we want to get a couple of pigs, a few chickens for eggs and some for meat, dairy goats, and I'm also looking into miniature cows. Anyone had any experience with the cows?? Eventually I want to add some turkeys to our farm but I know I'll need to take it slow at first!! I would love to raise animals for the purpose of feeding our family.
I plan on having a garden too! My mom, grandmother and Uncle are all Master Gardeners so I have great resources for getting started!! If my future garden is successful I need to have my cousin's teach me how to can veggies.
That's my hope and dream, Lord Willing, He'll have it become a reality for my family!

Winter in Maine

Friday, December 27, 2013

Winter Travel

I'm very thankful to be home safe and sound from work tonight. I guess my question for this evening is Why do some people who have big pickups insist on driving in the middle of the road with oncoming traffic and the roads have not been plowed or salted for awhile??  Be kind and slightly move over so the other person doesn't end up in the ditch!!!
I did manage to get a beautiful picture taken outside of work tonight with the snow and ice covered trees!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thursday Reality

Today I head back to work. Weatherman is predicting up to 6 inches overnight. I feel bad for the thousands that are still without power here in Maine and the prediction of even more losing power when the snow weighs down our ice covered branches!!
The kids have played outside today and have gone sledding. They live their ice packed hill. :)
Hubby and I are hoping to look at a couple if houses next week. Hopefully by July of '14 we'll know where we're going to  settle down and start setting up the farm!!

Enjoy our beautiful Ice Covered Trees!