Thursday, February 4, 2021

Mild Winter Day

Today was pretty warm for Maine. It was 37F today!!
I have my seed order. I cant wait to start seeds the end of the month.

Something new we are going to try this year to see how it does is tap Maple trees. I know it takes MANY gallons of sap to make syrup but I am really excited to try.

We also will be filling out an application to rescue a couple of burros soon. I contacted the person who posted about them. :)

My craft room. Is almost finished. We just need to put trim around the windows. I plan on making curtains for the windows once it is done. 

The light fixtures is just like the one we had in the other room but these walls are significantly sparklier!

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Snow Day

Here in our corner of Maine we are supposed to get around 14 inches of snow. It's so hard to tell what we have had so far due to the wind.

We added some new pets to the homestead. I picked up 3 parakeets yesterday someone in Old Town was giving away.

Sylvester is very interested in them.

We made him get down though after I snapped a quick pic 🤣🤣
I participated in my first #homesteaderchat on Instagram along with a few other homesteaders. Took me a few minutes to get the hang of it but it was really neat. The post will only be up until 12 PM EST tomorrow.

The dogs and Sylvester were pretty relaxed today.
I made 4 dozen donuts this week. My youngest 2 boys ate most of them while Dom and I were gone doing errands yesterday afternoon and my husband was refereeing.
I plan on making more this week and will just end up hiding the container of them!