Monday, September 19, 2016

Appomattox, VA

VA Farm Photos

Here are some photos of our travels to VA after visiting in GA.

GA Farm photos

Here are the photos of some of the farms and the mennonite diner in GA.


The older I get, the more I am truly beginning to like each season. I am enjoying the routine of school. It's different not having any kids home during the day this year but I am enjoying it. It is time to recharge before the hustle and bustle of afternoon starts.
I have started making homemade cards. Now that I have a couple days a week to myself I am finding hobbies to do.
I'm babysitting a 3 month old right now a few days a week which keeps me busy!
Hubbs rearranged the entryway and it actually feels cozy. He hung up my grandfather's tools on the walls. We are hoping over this winter to actually finish it.

My chickens are free ranging now. They keep hopping over the fencing so I've decided to let them roam. Although 1 naughty girl was at the neighbors trying to visit. Here are some pics of the girls out back today.
(If anyone can give me pointers on the oldest one not pecking the eggs?? I even have porcelain eggs in the nesting boxes.)

I need to go pick up one of my sons. Have a good evening♡