In order to finish decorating I need to go buy some more tacks. We will buy our Christmas tree next week. I love having a real tree.
My favorite part of Christmas is decorating with my grandparents decorations. It's too bad when you are younger you can not see the value in family. With each famy member that passes a hole in your heart gets a little bigger. I take comfort in knowing some family I will see again in Heaven.
Hoping my husband is able to switch over the electricity to our well. The person who used to own our house disconnected the electricity to our well today. We were waiting for our electrician to come back in the spring from FL to convert it but we have no choice now. Having no water or heat when it is in the 20's is not fun. In the future we will be investing in a pellet or wood stove.
Once I get done decorating i will post some pics!