So our newest addition Coconut passed away a few weeks ago. He died unexpectedly and we were all heart broken over it. Eventually we will get a couple more sheep once we,ve added onto the barn.
This past week we purchased 3 ducklings. We have not named them yet but here they are.
I noticed this morning one of them has a boo boo on their eye. Can anyone tell me how to help this? I washed it out and put a warm compress on it.
I finally put up a nesting box in the chicken coop and we built a run out of pool frame.
The girls laid most of the eggs in the nesting box and there were 3 in the bottom of the coop.
I absolutely love gathering eggs with the apron my Aunt Ginny crocheted.
This week we will be tilling the garden. We planted a purple rose bush and a pink rose bush in one of the flower beds put front.
We also planted a lilac bush that i am going to put a tomato cage around so the boys do not crush it.
My garlic is starting to grow that I planted.
If you have facebook, I have a page where I post pics. Http://