Thursday, April 23, 2020

Quilt time

I am FINALLY caught up on 2 wuikting block of the month sew alongs I'm apart of.

The other block of the month quilt is on week 12 today. I've completed the first 3 weeks.

I signed up for another Block of the Month but I can't share because this will be for my Mom for Christmas.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Sorry Mom, but at least I've finally learned not to spoil your surprises. Ha ha ha.

It's after midnight so I suppose I need to get my rear in bed. Night All

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Because why not??

just realized I forgot to show you the newest additions that were given to us for animals!!
Here is Tweety and Stitch Patches
A friend of ours gave them to us. They seem to be adjusting pretty well being here. They like to call out to the birds that land in our yard.

A few more photos

Here are the other raised beds I couldn't seem to have the other post load:

Here are a few pics of our barn makeover.
This is before.

These are after. We just need to add a few pieces of strapping to it now.

I found this rock in the garden yesterday while I was looking to see if any rhubarb came back. (Possibly 1 plant)

My seedlings are doing pretty good so far. None of my other seeds did sprout so I will end up buying plants the closer it gets to planting.

The round pot has lavender sprouting. I'm going to plant those in containers and bring them inside in the winter. Dollar tree has some nice sized pots these will end up being transplanted to.

I have strawberries growing in one of my herb beds. Have no idea how it got there but am glad to have a few more plants. I plan on getting more plants for the strawberry raised bed as at least half didnt come back this year.

Today we will finish trimming the apple tree that's in our yard so it comes back and then we have a few more in the woods line that we plan on reviving as well. It will be nice to have our own apples to pick and make pies and applesauce from.

Have a good day everyone and I will be sure to take more pics of what is happening here at the homestead.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Landscaping and Update

We have slowly been updating the landscaping here. I love having flowers and have several nice raised beds now. Flower availability is limited this year so I will add flowers as the season goes on. Here are a few pics:

As soon as my phone quits being so slow I will add a few more photos and add another blog post.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Organization and Rough Day

Today just sucked. Our goat Oreo somehow managed to break part of his Scur off and was bleeding. So I called the vet in Exeter and called got some stop bleed powder from Blue Seal. It took 3 of us to wrangle Oreo in order to put the powder on him. I will check on him in the morning. The vet ended up calling me back and letting me know I did the right thing.  He also will take off Oreos other scur for a decent price once this Virus is done doing its thing. Once he takes on new home patients I will be able to have him come to the house.  I'm thankful for Dr. Alexander as this is the 2nd time he's advised me over the phone for my goats.

Yesterday we cleaned out the attic. We donated a lot of clothes to a couple in Bangor who have a ministry helping the homeless.  We donated a few blankets as well as a ton of clothes and shoes . We also gave my cousin some clothes for her boys.

My seeds are doing so so. I'm a little disappointed how many seeds aren't coming up. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. Maybe some of the seeds were too old where I didn't garden last year.   I do have the following coming up: cilantro, thyme, sage tomatoes,  marigolds, onions, broccoli and African daisies. I have a lot of herbs that still haven't popped up. None of my cauliflower has shown yet.  I only have a few tomatoes coming up. Maybe 6 out of 30.
(These are some marigolds)

Hope everyone is healthy right now❤

Productive week

I'm happy to say a lot of organizational projects are completed already this week.
Our basement is completely organized

This is the boys playing in the middle of cleaning.
I've tried uploading the photo of the organized basement but it is not working.
Today we filled the garden and added 3 raised beds with leftover lumber we had. (Just in time for 6-12" of snow Thurs into Friday๐Ÿ‘Ž) 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Lights off

Today begins periods of time where the heat lamps are shut off so they adapt to normal temps.
The chicks are looking a little rough where they are getting their adult feathers. They look a little ragged and somewhat curly.

I cant believe how big the ducks and turkeys are. Gobble is growing a lot bigger than gravy so I'm wondering if I have a male and a female turkey. 2 of the ducks have paired off and the other duck we are calling the chicken whisperer. He makes sure they all behave.

We fill their water containers several times a day as the ducks really love trying to swim in their dish.

The goats are doing really well in their fenced in area. I'm thankful how deep the posts have to be in the ground as they like to rub up against them. When the ground is softer we are going to put a post in the ground for their scratching post and maybe attach some brushes to it so they can scratch till their heart is content. 

Later today I will post a little blurb about the seeds I'm starting. Better late than never I guess!!
Enjoy your morning.