Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Seed Catalogs

I finally started receiving quite a few seed catalogs in the mail. I haven't looked through all of them but do enjoy planning. 
One of our local landscape companies is getting new seeds in to try in the greenhouse. They will be trying to grow black bleeding heart plants and blue bleeding hearts. If they do well I want to order one of each.
Tomorrow we are supposed to get 1-3 inches of snow. Most of the snow in Bangor and on the coast has melted so you are able to see lawns again. We still have quite a bit of snow here.
We had our home phone and internet hooked up Friday. It works a lot better than what was here. Friday I brought Dylan back up to UMPI to school. Dom and I broke down. Thanks to family and friends we mad it home really late Friday night. The Expedition will be fixed this Friday costing way under what we anticipated!! 
Saturday I was able to visit my great aunt and help her with a couple of projects. We had a really great time visiting and laughing.
My boys start a new school this week. So far it has been virtually but towards the end of the week it will be in person as this school is doing hybrid. I'm hoping they adjust well.
Hope your week us going well so far!!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Frigid Beach Day

My husband had to referee in Northport today so I went with him and went to the Lincolnville Beach and Marshall Wharf in Belfast. It was really windy and cold.

I didn't even wear my flip flops today which will be shocking to those who know me in person as I am a die hard flip flop gal. I behaved today and wore my uggs. 
I even wore a winter hat because it was so cold and the wind was whipping so much.

My favorite color is purple and I found a piece of lavender sea glass.

I made out really good finding sea glass. Found my 1st marble as well today.

I got home to find out the chickens were amazing today and laid 6 eggs.

I'd say the girls like their surroundings a lot better than before as I've never had chickens lay through the winter like these girls are.
I meant to take a pic of Cecilia and her pregnant belly but forgot to. Hopefully tomorrow I won't forget. :) I managed to finish a book today and am almost done another book.
Tomorrow I need to finish organizing the craft room. I have my cricut on the dining room table set up right now and it is in the way. 
My boys want water bottles with the farm logo on them. I decorated my kindle case with the logo.

Next will be coffee mugs, glasses and hoodies. I'm also making a big sign for the barn.  I looked today and I started this blog December 2013. Hard to believe it has been 7 years and truly it started with gardening.  I have this year's herb and veggie gardens all planned. I will have raised beds for herbs, strawberries, pumpkins and rhubarb.  I will plant my veggie garden in regular rows. I also plan on planting raspberries, blackberries and blueberries as a border between us and our closest neighbor. Im hoping to plant some fruit trees along the other border but we will see if we can accomplish that this year. I received my first seed catalog in the mail yesterday.
I have started putting window boxes on the deck. We need to put 4 more up.
I also need to figure out where I'm going to plant flowers. I need to start over planting a memory garden but I also need to figure out what to plant so it continuously blooms from spring to fall. I am open to any ideas!!
Time to clean up from supper. Have a great evening!!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

My Farm Logo

Today I finally finished my logo design for my farm!! I'm so excited it came out the way it came out. It is definitely me 100%.


I want to make some hoodies and mugs with the logo on it. :)

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Snowy Day

We received at least 9 inches of snow today.

Copper wasn't too thrilled about all the snow.

It was beautiful today though even if it was 28 today.

I have what I want to plant in the garden finished and even have an orchard planned. Now to just figure out the lay out of it!!

Friday, January 1, 2021

We Made it to 2021

Happy New Year!!!! We made it to 2021. 
I'm not one to typically set Resolutions as I hardly ever keep them. This year I have decided to really do some self reflecting. What needs to be changed about me?? 
What do I want improved about my homestead? What can I do to be more organized? What am I going to do with some of my goals that have been reached?? What plans do I have for this blog?

What are some of your self reflections this year? The new year is a huge fresh beginning. Some people choose a word or a phrase to focus on for the year.  Mine is Happiness and Joy. 
It is choosing to put myself in a positive mindset.  To be more optimistic. 
We aren't perfect as humans. Life knocks us down flat. My cousin who was looking forward to the new year had her husband unexpectedly fighting for his life. He's still in the hospital but he is making small gaines of improvement.
We have began having family fun nights. We really enjoy Uno. We have Uno, Dos, Uno flip, Skipbo. The boys also love playing battleship together. I also like the game Clue. What are some of your favorite games?

The weather was beautiful here today. Mostly sunny and 34F. It has cooled off to 28F right now. We have the wood furnace going. There is nothing like the smell of a wood stove. The pellet stove kicks in when the Wood stove is at a lower temp.

Best investment for families that I have found works for my family. I have an Echo Show 5 in the kitchen and 2 of the boys have an Echo Dot. I do need to get 2 more echo dots.  One for Dom's bedroom and one for the basement. You just announce whatever you need them to do or you can call their echo dots. (Drop-In) Saves some hollering to get their attention.