We lost Hamberguesas our Angus Cow. Looks like Clarabelle got aggressive with her. I am going to call the place that processes animals and see what the cost will be to have her processed if she continues to be aggressive.
Of course it happened after I left to go get groceries and pick up the boys.
We lost our farm dog in October and donkey killed one of our female goats that jumped into his fenced in area. Been a rough time of loss the last couple of months.
We had a great time celebrating Christmas with my oldest son, his wife, his infant, my parents and my grandmother the 1st weekend of December.

I did some snapchat filters with my grandson wile he was here.

He's so precious. We started building him a playground here at the farm for when he's older.

As you can see Maine is having a weird December and no snow yet.
I started making evergreen garland and swags for our porch.