Happy New Year 2023!
I have been taking several different farm classes this month to help me become a better farmer for you.💚 one of my classes does not end until March 8th but I really have been enjoying them!
We now offer a newsletter that goes out weekly to our subscribers. It gives short farm updates on products, visiting, local ag gatherings. You can sign up here:
After I finish my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). We will be asking for 10 patrons to join and give us feed back for each box you receive.
For more information feel free to email info@wylddreamfarm.com
We are applying for our nursery license to be able to sell veggie, herb and flower seedlings in the spring. Garden planning is underway and the rest of what I need to order for seeds will be placed this week!!
We offer a petting zoo here at the farm which will be open to the public again mid to late April.
I'm looking forward to 2023. I'm anticipating having a farm store building here this summer where we will offer produce, meats, eggs and farmhouse decor.
For up to date farm hours and events please refer to our website: