I have to share a story with you that truly breaks my heart. How many of you have people in your life that you consider part of your "family "? Could be a neighbor best friend,your child's friend's parents, etc....the list could go on but you get my gist. Hubby and I have lived in this town for just over 6 years. Our former landlord/neighbor became part of our family. He is like a grandfather to my hubby as all of my hubby's grandparents have passed away years ago
He became close to our family as he is elderly(96 now) and his family does not get along with him at all. The man has given ALL of his children land which they all have established homes and have grown up their whole lives in this area. To make a long story short this man is considering giving up everything in his home he lives in now and moving to another one of his rental homes because he feels defeated by his family. His flesh and blood. How sad is that?! It truly breaks my heart and I told him never worry hubby and I will be there for him forever. I understand that family can be aggrivating and annoying, whatever else but there Has to come a point in time when forgiveness has to take place
This man is leaving his children just about everything he owns. He has sold some things or given things away to his family already because he feels so deflated. You are carrying your parents legacy...yes they may be stubborn but they were molded by their parents legacy
Times have changed, appreciate the past. Let's teach our children respect for the elderly. One day we will be old and I don't think any of us want to be treated horribly when we are old.
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