Sunday, August 23, 2015

Final week of Summer Vacation

What a busy weekend it has been. This coming week is the last week of Summer Vacation for the kids. I'm sad to see fall come but on the other hand I will be thankful to have a routine back.
Yesterday the boys and I went to the Amish Market in Unity. I was in hopes of horse and buggy pic as I have a farm photo idea for my living room. But it was not meant to be yesterday.  Here is a photo of the Amish market:
The boys each had a delicious donut.  We also bought a quart of peaches and a quart of pears as well as I bought a scrubby.

They had another scrubby that was crocheted on one side and scrubby on the other for dishes but none were purple. (My fave color in case you couldn't tell)
After visiting the market we went to my parents house for a cookout then went and visited my grandparents.
Today I was able to pick a few carrots out of the garden.

As well as some tomatoes you see ripening off in my window sill.
The last pic is of a new dish I saw the recipe for on Pinterest using zucchini from my grade. As well as green onions from my garden.
The time is about to go off on the oven for our BBQ baked chicken along with our cheesy Zucchini. 
Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Refreshing weekend

What a great weekend we have had. Yesterday I spent the bulk of my day with my youngest brother and family.  My sil was sweet and gave me her zucchini she was not going to eat. I still need to make zucchini bread for the kids. I also have a couple of other recipes I want to try using sausage and zucchini.
We went to where my hubby was umpiring and visited with him. My other brother came over to visit us as well.
 Today I have caught up on housework.
Hubby and I had a date night in where he just got home.
Tomorrow our high school sports begin with their double sessions. Hard to believe 3 of my children will be doing them this year. I also need to have my oldest son have his senior pictures done!!! My how time flies.
This week I will be getting ready for my last year of homeschooling.  I'm looking forward to this year.  Now that life is a little more settled maybe we can have the best year ever!
3 of my hens escaped from their run today.  My boys came running in telling me they were out. Sure enough 3 of the naughty girls were by my mailbox. As soon as I opened the door 2 came running towards me. It was time to feed them anyway. They were good and followed me right back to their coop. The boys moved the coop so they can't escape again. I am thoroughly amazed how the girls came right to me when I called to them. Next month we will be building them a big coop to have for the winter.
I blanched beans for the first time tonight to freeze the green and yelow beans my mom and grandmother gave to me. I was able to freeze 7 qts. I must admit preserving our own food has been such and enjoyable journey.  Just something about this way of life is so soothing and relaxing.
Have a good rest of your Sunday.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Family treasures

Yesterday all 7 kids and I went to my grandfather's birthday party. He turned 83.
It was nice seeing family and visiting with everyone. I don't know how many of you follow the blog: Blessings at Felicity Farm but we were able to see her family.  The newest addition to their family is doing fantastic.
Today my parents dropped off a few more treasures for me that were my grandparents. 
First is this wicker chair that will end up on our porch when we add on.
The second is this painting my dad's Aunt painted. 
My home is filled to the brim with family treasures. I love having family memorabilia.
I am thinking of putting up our fall decorations today. I know it's a little early but I love my home seasonally decorated. When I go out to run errands later I need to find a flag pole as my grandmother loved flags to put out so now I'm able to.
Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Much Needed Rain

Even though the kiddos are trapped inside today I'm thankful for the rain my garden desperately needed.  My silly girls are out in their run even though it is raining digging in the dirt. They getting so big.  Every day we check for eggs but so far there aren't any.
I am thoroughly enjoying them. As soon as they hear me pull into the driveway or see me stepping outside they start chattering away. Hubby and I will be building them a coop next month as the cage we have for them now will be too cold during the winter months. Tomorrow we will pick some more zucchini and peas. I'm hoping next week we will have some beans ready although my mom and grandmother have some beans for me where they have an abundance of beans.
We spotted another little carrot yesterday. 
It's so exciting seeing a little orange peaking out of the ground.
Here are some pics of my cukes. 

Here is my grandmother's owl overlooking my garden now. :)
We are having some beef stew for supper tonight and some homemade zucchini bread. Yum!!! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Mmm Garden Fresh

Our fabulous pickings from the garden today which turned into an amazing supper for the family.

Here are some things growing which we can't wait for!!!

Can't wait until these baby veggies grow bigger!!!! I am loving having a garden. Next year I will tweak it, make it bigger, make sure I have fences for the peas and beans. I also want to plant an herb garden. I figure over the winter I can plan how I want to have it.
I have been finding fabulous things on Pinterest on how to make my home into more of a farmhouse style. We are thinking of using plywood as wood flooring. I will keep you posted on it.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Joys of home ownership

Owning your own home is definitely not always a joyous occasion. We took the kids on a family fun filled day at a water park yesterday and came home to the house stinking. After several noses being put to work full force we discovered this was the culprit:

After a little hard work and someone's "help"
Hubby was able to get dryer chord and outlet fixed.
After hubby fixed that and the leak we had of oil on our furnace. (No pics as this was no lady's place to interfere with men at work. Lol)
I decided to take youngest 2 son's out to the garden and see what gardening treasures we found today.

This last pic is our harvest. Nothing like fresh veggies to cook and tomorrow per the kiddos request we will be making our first fresh from the garden zucchini bread. 
Next yeAR I know we will need some fencing up for the beans and peas. As well as a few tomato stands for the tomato plants. 
Also this fall I am very excited to be getting some of my grandmother's forsythia and in the spring purple and white lilacs!! It may take a few years to have blossoms but I am very excited.
Hope you enjoyed the pics. Off to bring some tea to a sick hubby.