Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Day 1 of antibody infusion

Today I go to St. Joseph's Hospital in Bangor to start my 1st antibody infusion. This will last 2 hours and then I will go Thursday and Friday for 2 more. This will help get rid of Covid quicker. My 21 year old started his This morning at 7 AM. I'm hoping I do not have any adverse reaction to the treatment as I'm tired of feeling so miserable from Covid. Once I'm better I will be getting my Booster.

The sunrise on the way into the city was absolutely beautiful this morning. Excuse my dirty windshield.

Have a great day and stay warm!! It was 1° F when we left the house this morning.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Day 4 of illness

We are STILL waiting for our covid results.🙄 
I drank a mug of chicken broth for lunch today.
Hopefully I will continue feeling a little better now that my fever has broke. I still have very little energy and feel weak.  My oldest 2 boys are sick as well. The spouse is in bed. He's supposed to be resting but has a hard time just sleeping the illness off where when I'm sick I need to sleep to heal.
When I'm better I will do a box opening of my seeds that arrived today.

Monday, January 10, 2022


This is what our temps with the windchill will be on Tuesday. I have to empty the ice every day out of the water bucket every day right now but these temps will make them freeze so solid it is hard to dump out.  I always worry my animals will be too cold in the barn or the chickens and ducks will freeze to death. Tomorrow I will go to our local feed store and buy more straw so they all can hunker down. 

Temps like these have me appreciating our wood furnace even more!! Wood heat is my absolute favorite. I don't mind the pellet stove when the temps aren't below freezing but I definitely prefer the wood.

Hamberguesas is thriving being separated from the hurd health wise but I think she really misses the socialization. At least from her stall she is able to see Ariel, Penelope and Cecilia.  

The geese are enjoying their free range of the barn. Surprisingly they haven't been picking on the bantam chickens and the silliest. No one else in my family likes to go down there as the geese like to bite them.  When I am down there they don't bother anyone.  Broken Wing always walks up to me and tries telling me all that is going on. He also needs some rubs. 

We had a new door built for the barn where the animals go into their fencing.
It's a really simple door made out of 2X6, 2X4, and plywood. The door sings into the barn instead of outside so it won't interfere with the snow accumulation and completely ruin it.

Of course Oreo likes to supervise and make sure he keeps an eye on what they are doing to his house. Hubbs also built a gate along the "fencing" where oreo is so I can get inside their without having to use the gate in the fencing outside.

Clarabelle could not resist coming up to me for some selfish. She always comes up to me when she sees me with my phone facing all of them. Maybe she's worried I will not have a very flattering photo.  
Hannah decided to get in on the action then everyone else decided to check out what I was doing.

I've been researching ways to promote our farm business. I also have been looking into what other permits I will need for the store. I received my agritourism safety posters and will share them at another time.
Open Farm Day will be July 24, 2022 from 12 PM to 4 PM.
For a list of participating farms you can always go to they have a WEALTH of information there.

I'm thinking of becoming a Tractor Supply affiliate. I filled out my application and am waiting to hear the status of that.

It's very late so I should head to bed.

Good Night Everyone!! (If you click on the photo above you should be able to make out the stars. )


Thursday, January 6, 2022

School of Hard Knocks

 I hope you are beginning to enjoy my vlog on YouTube. I'm hoping soon the nerves will fade away and an abundance of confidence takes its place!!

Today has been a day of learning and self reflection. I'm going to start having blog segments called "Candid Chats With Dee."  The weather here has been scrappy today ( Have you seen how many people are stranded on I95?? Granted I live on the very northern part of that Interstate) I had to go with my spouse into town to lick up our son from work, drop the spouse off at work then bring the son to an appointment. This momma was going to do some errands while they were busy. My son at home called to tell me Chamber guess is laying flat like she's about to die like Babe did. I tell him to video chat me so I can see. Sure enough, my girl was laying on her side legs straight out. My first thoughts were either bloat or she slipped on the ice coming  out of the barn and broke a leg.  With me giving directions over video they picked her up and put her back in the barn. 15 year old tells me she is super cold to touch but she isn't shivering. I had them put a blanket on her to warm her up. I messaged my niece who is studying to become a vet to see if she happened to be getting out of school. No such luck so I called Dr. Alexander through Exeter Veterinary Clinic and he could make an emergency call. I honestly didn't Cate the cost we would figure out a way to pay the bill.  So he treated her for worms and mineral deficiency. We have to separate her from all her friends for a month.  My boys moved her to the flock barn. We are letting the geese free range inside the barn while Hamberguesas stays in their home.  She's smaller than she should be which I had zero clue so hopefully with meds, double the food she will grow more.

I NEVER      EVER.    do research on animal breeds before I get them. I go by the cute factor/benefit factor. Yes I know I should as I have several homestead books but......I'm a learn as you go person. It may be irresponsible in some ways but  I certainly blogs all of them.

After most of the day passing by. Swearing.....near tears........ Wanting to throw my phone I have a simple domain name and website.  I have my first samples of product up that can be purchased. Www.wylddreamfarm.go daddy  take a look and give me feedback!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year

We spent New Year's Eve and New Year's Day in Vermont with my oldest son and daughter in law. We also had our Christmas with them.

I received this cute baking set. It is my first Rae Dunn item.

For New Year's day we ate at Applebee's in Littleton, NH.

Today I placed my seed order through

I forgot to order Rosemary and I will purchase seed potatoes from our local feed store.  I purchased herbs for a tea garden as well as culinary herbs. Flower seeds I will just purchase locally. I need to continue making my memory flower garden this year as well.  I plan on planting sunflowers near the rocks towards the road this year instead of in my garden.

My YouTube channel is coming along nicely. I'm still a little nervous filming but feel a little more comfortable editing using the Inshot app.

I highly suggest if you plan on gardening with the food shortages and rising cost of food you order your seeds this month!!! Last year the later you ordered the companies were already out of stock.