Monday, January 10, 2022


This is what our temps with the windchill will be on Tuesday. I have to empty the ice every day out of the water bucket every day right now but these temps will make them freeze so solid it is hard to dump out.  I always worry my animals will be too cold in the barn or the chickens and ducks will freeze to death. Tomorrow I will go to our local feed store and buy more straw so they all can hunker down. 

Temps like these have me appreciating our wood furnace even more!! Wood heat is my absolute favorite. I don't mind the pellet stove when the temps aren't below freezing but I definitely prefer the wood.

Hamberguesas is thriving being separated from the hurd health wise but I think she really misses the socialization. At least from her stall she is able to see Ariel, Penelope and Cecilia.  

The geese are enjoying their free range of the barn. Surprisingly they haven't been picking on the bantam chickens and the silliest. No one else in my family likes to go down there as the geese like to bite them.  When I am down there they don't bother anyone.  Broken Wing always walks up to me and tries telling me all that is going on. He also needs some rubs. 

We had a new door built for the barn where the animals go into their fencing.
It's a really simple door made out of 2X6, 2X4, and plywood. The door sings into the barn instead of outside so it won't interfere with the snow accumulation and completely ruin it.

Of course Oreo likes to supervise and make sure he keeps an eye on what they are doing to his house. Hubbs also built a gate along the "fencing" where oreo is so I can get inside their without having to use the gate in the fencing outside.

Clarabelle could not resist coming up to me for some selfish. She always comes up to me when she sees me with my phone facing all of them. Maybe she's worried I will not have a very flattering photo.  
Hannah decided to get in on the action then everyone else decided to check out what I was doing.

I've been researching ways to promote our farm business. I also have been looking into what other permits I will need for the store. I received my agritourism safety posters and will share them at another time.
Open Farm Day will be July 24, 2022 from 12 PM to 4 PM.
For a list of participating farms you can always go to they have a WEALTH of information there.

I'm thinking of becoming a Tractor Supply affiliate. I filled out my application and am waiting to hear the status of that.

It's very late so I should head to bed.

Good Night Everyone!! (If you click on the photo above you should be able to make out the stars. )


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