Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Received my other quilt book today! I can not wait to start sewing

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year

Fall had been rough homesteading wise.  We lost all but 5 of our chickens, all 3 new ducks and the goats have chewed through the side of the barn we need to replace soon before below zero weather.

I made quite a few gifts this year as Christmas gifts which I enjoyed so much. I am already planning next year's gifts.

Now that I have a little sewing area set up I have ordered 2 quilting books. One had 1000 blocks which should be here tomorrow the other is to make cute farm quilts.

I finally understand how to do a basic knit stitch. I have been practicing how even they are.

This week I plan in going through my Johnny's Seed Catalog and planning my garden.

Hope all of you had a great Christmas and New Years.