Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gardening Aggrivation

Things have been a little insane around here the last week. My mother in law moved in with us as she is in the last stage of cirrhosis of the liver and almost completely immobile.

I started putting my plants outside to harden off to get ready to plant this weekend to discover sometime this afternoon the 4 year old from next door decided to dump them out and play in the dirt. SO many plants completely destroyed.😳 I guess I don't understand how you don't realize your 4 year old isn't home but I'm thankful I have a few herbs and tomato plants left.

On a happy note my moms rhododendron is looking beautiful and our magnolia trees are beginning to blossom. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

More Chickens

Today I was a sucker at Tractor Supply and bought 4 bantam chickens. They are so tiny!! The bantams will only grow to we 1-2.5 lbs and approx 9 inches tall.
I'm hoping the weather starts warming up soon so we can finish planting the garden. I have one gladiola that has peeked up. 

The turkeys and meat chickens are doing well.  Once the meat chickens finish feathering out we will be putting them outside beside the turkeys.  When the turkeys that are inside grow more they will be bunking with the other turkeys.

I LOVE having my chickens and ducks again. We bought some diatomaceous earth to rub  on Oreo for his bald spot on his back. We still aren't fully sure what is causing it.
We found a sink listed for free with my favorite type of faucets listed on facebook Marketplace. It looks really nice put in! I love it even has a soap dispenser which I put dish soap in.
It also came with a free utility sink which eventually may go in the laundry room.
Tomorrow I will send u pic of the plants that are growing!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Another beautiful day

Today the turkey/chicken run has been finished.

As you can see Gobble and Gravy are in their new home. I've been out to check in them this evening.  They are sleeping in the grass Instead of sleeping inside their house.
I planted some peas, carrots, kale, spinach, radishes, potatoes,  chives and beets today. 

We planted 4 rhubarb plants that have been wintered so hopefully they will keep growing well.
Cam made Oreo and Cecilia a platform for they to play on and lay down. 
It was a very productive day. I even got a slight sunburn. 🌞

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Adding to the Homestead

We got 4 more turkeys to add to the homestead. Our order of meat chicks came in Wednesday.  I ordered the chicks from the farm where we have them processed.

This little baby I named Cheeps had straddle leg which I tried helping correct but sadly this one passed away last night.
Today's project was building a Turkey/chicken Tractor for the meat birds. 

We also finally put the solar lights on the barn this afternoon.
We put a couple more flowers on the front porch.

The compost is being shoveled into the raised beds. Im also going to pick up Rhubarb plants tomorrow. I was informed it is better to get some that have already aged a winter. Hopefully they will grow well and come back in force!
Tomorrow hopefully we will finish pruning the apple trees.  From all the storms we have a nice amount of wood now for the firepit.
Enjoy the rest of your night.