Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Yesterday we lost our sweet Hannah. She passed from bloat. 
I'm thankful for hubby's uncle coming over with his tractor to help bury her.we will make a little sign for her this weekend.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

More laying hens

I went to Balfour Farm this morning it Pittsfield to pick up 60 laying hens. After I pick my son up from work I need to vacuum out my car.

They were really good and laid down while I was driving. A couple weeks ago I picked up 19 layers and a rooster from a couple in Cushing.

Now I will be able to sell eggs and keep quite a few for my family.  I just need to order some egg cartons.

I need to go to Home Depot and pick up the two tarps we ordered to put over the roof of the barn when it leaks.

This week I'm hoping to go to RJ Hall in Corinth to pick strawberries. I plan on making Jelly, Jam and pie filling. Some for the farm store and some for us.

Tomorrow morning I will weed my garden and my husband is going to till a pumpkin patch for me. We are planting 3 different types of pumpkins.

Enjoy the rest of your day!