Thursday, July 30, 2015

Garden and Freebie

Our garden is doing fantastic!! I have decided next year I am definitely going to expand it so we can plant more. I also think I will do an herb garden with it. Was actually thinking about getting some whisky barrels and planting herbs in that.
I will post pics later of the garden.
Yesterday my Aunt called knowing of a freezer a farmer was giving away and wanted to know if I wanted it. You bet I do!!! Especially seems I like my veggies frozen!! So today they were kind enough to deliver the freezer. I washed it/Sanitized it and here it is:
As you can see Oakley is still trying to figure out what it is. LoL
Garden pics tomorrow!!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sometimes it's the Little things in Life

 Yesterday I was reminded to take time and enjoy the small things. 2 dishes I cooked with pasta yesterday I ended up over cooking the pasta so it was mushy. My cooking game was WAYYYY off.  But I went to pull out a mixing bowl and found this:
My grandmother's name she had taped to her mixing bowl.
My daughter found a few Raspberry bushes behind out house so we went for a walk together so she could show me them. 1 on 1 time is so precious in our home. We walked lazily and enjoyed the scenery on the trail.

The red berries we are researching to see if we can make jam out of these or if these are the poisionous ones??
Most of the animals are relaxing on this rainy day.

Almost time to take supper out of the oven. Have a good night ya'll!!

Friday, July 17, 2015


I really have enjoyed canning. We made Strawberry jelly. My son was the first to taste test the jelly and he really it! I was able to read the directions and learn how to do it but I also come from a huge family that can show me the ropes. Truly I am blessed within my family.  Here are some pics of our jelly.

Meet my family

We are an official family of 9. After the adoption we celebrated by going to BWW and we went to the movies to see the Minions. But here is a pic of who we are for those that are not family reading this.
We had such an incredible turnout for the adoption. We are a very blessed family.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Exciting News!!!

2 exciting things in my life right now. Tomorrow at 9 am our adoption will finalized. Pics will finally be posted tomorrow of all 7 kiddos.
I made jam and canned it for the first time!!
This is our Strawberry Rhubarb Jam being processed:

As you can see from the top we, one of my son's and I, were able to pick 15 qts of strawberries. We ended up going near where my family lives as it was $1 - $2 more a quart near us!!
I know I really enjoy canning and can't wait to can some freshly made Strawberry Jelly today!
Here is what we had for supper last night. We used the last of the lettuce we had cut and our radishes. Also here is a pic of the completely homemade Strawberry Pie.

Lastly here are some updated pics of our garden!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


How is everyone's garden growing??
We have had out first cut of lettuce and are radishes are almost completely done. Some of them have gone to seed but my chickens love the greens.

My cucumbers are finally perking up!!
Hubby put in the ac's this week as it is pretty near 90 this week with high percentage of humidity.  

As i'm writing this my cat is waiting for the hummingbirds to come to the feeder. 
(Of course he jumped down as I was getting ready to take a picture.)
Today is a busy day for us.  We have lots of appointments. I need to make a fresh salad to go with supper tonight. i love having fresh greens from the garden.
I even made my Aunt's recipe for taco dip this week. With lettuce from our garden.
My neighbor across the street has had a black bear in her yard. She said this past week her family was sitting on the back deck when the bear came out of the little woods line and sat in her back driveway. We think now the bear is the one that wrecked the kids tents. This is the 3rd set the black bears have ruined over the last few years. If it ever comes in our yard I will be sure to snap a pic and share with you.

My husband and son did see this sweet family while mowing this past week.

*photo credit DF3

I am finishing up housework this am in order to be able to get in the pool with the kids. I need to go feed the ladies and water the garden this morning.

Have a great Tuesday!!