Saturday, February 25, 2017


Friday my Son and his sweet girlfriend surprised me with an overnight visit where he flies to FL for baseball Monday.
I'm getting excited baseball season is about to start. We LOVE basebal here.
We were able to get one of our vehicles fixed so that it passed inspection and we will be getting our truck fixed in the next few weeks so we have two vehicles again! (Yay)
Other than that not much going on here. I need to go pick my teens up from the movies.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Spring Fever

The weather here has hit a warm snap. If our deck werent still covered in snow, I would take some time and just sit outside.  I have noticed some blue jays and cardinals near the apple trees out back and plan on putting up some bird feeders near them. I also want to get a bitd house like my grandparents have to put down there as well.

I have been watching different homestead youtube channels. I enjoy reading homesteading books but sometimes just watching videos is nice. One of the few I watching is my Cousin Danni's as well as Appalachia Homestead, Esther Emery, Road to the Farm and Fewell Homestead. I have subscribed to others and will let you know how I like their channels as well. I know I'm not ready to have a Channel for our farm yet. I dont know if I will but it gives me something to ponder.

We took 6 out of our 7 children to the movies today and 3 of the kids brought friends.  Needless to say we had to make 2 trips to fit everyone.  We usually go to Portland for an overnight stay but not having a vehicle that fits all of us we chose the movies instead.

We are watching the season finale of Oak Island. I love seeing the old "treasures" they find that are handmade. The craftsmanship of the 15-1600's is just remarkable.

I made whole wheat bread this past week that the kids like eating chunks if at a time. I have been putting a little more effort into making meals. I get bored making the same things over and over again. I plan on making my Mom"s Chicken Eden Isle. It is fantastic. I haven't made it in a couple of years so Id say its time and Maybe I will make some homemade rolls to go with it.

Minnie fits in so well with our family. Copper and Sylvester seen annoyed with her but She and Oakley have bonded very well. They play tag through the house and sometimes Copper chases both of them once he gets fully annoyed.  I had a friend of mine tell me Im crazy getting another animal but, I'm happy. I will be happy to make a better run this spring and fencing for the goats so they have a spot to run around.

Have a great evening and thanks for listening to my ramblings

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

New Member of the Fam

Meet Minnie our Chiweenie aka my Valentine gift. Copper and Oakley dont know quite what to think of her. She is a little timid near Oakley but she loves to chase Copper around.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Evening Ramblings Nor' Easter approaching

Come February I develop some cabin fever. I know we usually are bombarded with snow.  I have been rather lazy and after housework is done i have been watching black and white Andy Griffeth and westerns as well as Green Acres. I really enjoy old shows.
I have been pinning bread recipes in Pi Pinterest I want to try. Depending if tomorrow is a snow day or not I want to make some homemade English Muffins.
I want to plan a trip next year to see all the Places Laura Ingalls Wilder lived. One trip plan I noticed it takes a week.  I had many years ago planned on taking this trip when I turned 40 but it just will not be happening this year.
I have been watching some Vlogs as well. My favorites are my cousin Dani's, Esther Emery, coffee break with Dani(makeup one).
I'm thinking we will Vlog some of our Ladies Homestead Gatherings. That way we will be accessible on Social Media as well.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sad Day on the Farm pending post fro. 10/21/16

We lost one of our ducks last night. Of course the tamest one.🙁 I think the part that made me the maddest was taking the advice from people on our fabulous facebook page and trying to ask at our local feed store what product they meant only to receive a cold shoulder. I realize it was "just a duck" but thay doesnt mean I dont care about any of my animals.
Update: all of our other ducks are still going strong and the only product i buy from the Local Feed Store is hay for the goats.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Favorite Reads

Here are a few of the print magazines I'm getting this year:
Here are the magazines I get on my kindle:

What are some of your favorite magazine subscriptions?