Monday, March 30, 2020

Slowly but surely, a little stir crazy

I must admit I am going a little stir crazy. I miss visiting people. I love my family but it's not the same without friends nearby. I want to go visit my parents and Grammie but at least with technology we are able to keep in touch with one another.

Yesterday was a lazy day after being  so busy on Saturday. The barn looks amazing and the goats seem happier with the side finished and being able to go outside whenever they feel like it.

Most of the guys have gone to the hubs work to sanitize it. I know they are all beginning to feel a little stir crazy as well.

We made beef stew for supper tonight as it has been snowing all day. Yes you read that right SNOW. Yuck!!

I'm curled up with a blanket reading some 1940's - 1960's Farm Journal and Farmer's Wife. I am enjoying all the ads in them as well as the articles. They magazines cost $.05 -$.20. I will be sure to post some of my favorite articles as I read them.

Today we cleaned the ferret cage and the brooder. We need to get a rubber mat inside the brooder as the ducks like to fling the water out of their dish and it soaks down into the wood.

I'm hoping to sew some reusable shopping bags tonight out of feed bags then relax for the rest of the evening.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Warm weather

Today the temp reached 48 and was sunny. A lot of the snow we had this week has melted.

Cecilia and Oreo love their fencing. Sometimes when we look out the kitchen window or back door Oreo is standing against the fence watching cars drive by. He actually played on the tires we stacked into his fenced in area and knocked the board down. We also have a ball in there for them.

The ducklings are getting so big already. I noticed all of the birds are getting their wing feathers.  Some of them will come to whatever side of the brooder I'm on to talk to them.

Gobble and Gravy like to try and peck at my rings. Here are some pics I took of them today.

How cute are they??

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Fun Reads

I have a little treasure that I will end up sharing with some of the women I've met online in a Vintage Housewife group. I love reading anything about prairie life as the west was settled through books about life through the 50's.
Here is a photo of my little treasure:
These are 4 journals from 1945, 1954, 1957 and 1972 by a woman who farmed in Ohio. It is a record of the weather/temperature each day, who she visited or went to see her. A couple people she has mentioned that have passed away you can read a little about them online. (Kinda creepy I know, yet it really fascinates me)

I know some of my family journal and hopefully someday I am able to read them just as a different perspective on life and how life was lived.

Grammie mentioned to me when she first got married the houses they lived in didnt have indoor plumbing. She has also stayed in places that used gas lights instead of electricity.

I must admit I am one who likes seeing how people live off grid but dont know if I could live without some modern conveniences. I could do solar/wind power but would not be able to have no internet.

With the Covid-19 restrictions I am cooking more again and tomorrow will be baking. I enjoy my routine but still feel a little stressed with normal routines broken. I'm making the best out of life as it is right now and am going to cuddle with all 3 dogs and read.

P.s. Oreo and Cecilia were not thrilled with the 7 inches of snow we got overnight. The only came out of the barn a few times today.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Baby Chicks

From Aubuchon's yesterday we purchased 5 Longhorns, 4 barred rock and 4 red stars. 2 of the leghorn did not make it. (Last time I bought Leghorns they didnt make it.)
Today we got 2 turkeys,  3 ducks, 4 Rhode island reds, 2 Wyandottes and 2 Araucana chickens.  I love the variety in color of the eggs.
We have a nice brooder that all the guys helped build based off the brooder they have a Aubuchon's.
We have 2 heat lamps with all of our babies in there.

The boys have all enjoyed watching them interact together. I get random videos of what they are doing from the boys.
I bought most of the seeds I want to plant in the garden this spring. I will start onion this weekend as well as tomatoes and herbs. I'm looking forward to having a garden this year!!  Our fruit trees are budding. I'm thankful they didnt winterkill.
All of the pallets used as goat fencing have been torn down and the new fencing will be going up.
With everyone home due to Covid-19 a lot of projects put off are getting accomplished. After the fencing is placed we need to reorganize our basement. It is mainly used as a storage shed.  It will feel nice having my home organized.
School all over Maine are closed until April 27th. The boys have done well this week. Im thankful for remote learning to attempt to keep the boys on a routine. Dylan starts his remote college classes next week.
Have a great evening!!

Thursday, March 12, 2020


So many people are panicking with the Coronavirus. It is sad how many people that do not have it are affected by it. My son in college has to move home as well as everyone else who lives on campus for the whole University of Maine systems. They will be transitioning to online classes.  Most of college sports have been shut down as well as travel sports.
Drs offices are running out of hand sanitizer.
A lot of stores are out of hand sanitizer as well as toilet paper. (I'm thankful I stocked up a couple weeks ago.) I typically budget buying it once a month. I have been researching how to make my own hand sanitizer in case the soap decides to run low as well.
My heart goes out to people whose jobs will be affected by the mass hysteria and shut downs.
Washing your hands is common sense!! Cleaning your homes where hands are touching things so much will need to be done.
Meanwhile, I am looking forward to starting some seeds in the next couple weeks for our garden. I need to pick up some marigold seeds and start those as well.
Have a great evening!!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Spring Weather

The past couple weeks we are finally seeing some spring temps. I am thankful for a muddy driveway as that means a lot of the snow is melting.
70% of our snow is gone!!🥳

My tulips and Grape Hyacinth are beginning to come up. I was visiting Grammie this past weekend and hers are peeking up as well.
The first part of winter I dont mind as it makes you want to make soups, stew and heartier  meals but the end of January beginning of february I'm over it.

This week will be the finishing planning of our garden and what I want to get for chicks and ducks. I miss ours that we had but we will have time to plan barn improvements while we wait. I am also hoping to get a few turkeys.

Spring cleaning has begun. I found a printable checklist and will do as much in one room a day as I can. I'm thinking of reorganizing some of the decor so it doesnt appear as busy in here.

Today is a friend of mine Birthday so I have a homemade chocolate bundt cake in the oven and will put on frosting on it when it has cooled off. I'm also makes roasted potatoes as a couple other friends are making the rest of a meal for her.

Enjoy your afternoon!