Friday, October 30, 2020

Free Finds

Today I had to go deposit money for one of my sins and found 2 beautiful old farmhouse doors on the side of the road from an old farmhouse that is for sale in town.

There were also 4 old windows that I'm going to repurchase as Christmas gifts.

Here are the doors.

I really love the looks of both of them. I will end up decorating them for different seasons.

Monday, October 26, 2020

This week

This week I need to plant my garlic. It is actually supposed to be colder here and predicted to be in the 20's next week.

All of my animals are doing really well.  I'm hoping in the spring Cecilia will have a kid.  Oreo certainly is doing his part.

I also plan on making more pumpkin puree this week. I have 3 pumpkins inside I need use. The boys want roasted pumpkin seeds. Plus they are a natural dewormer for the goats.

I was able to visit with my Gramnie yesterday. We went to my cousin's father in laws funeral. It was a nice service.  My heart ached for all of them.  I was also able to see my aunt, uncle and cousins. They had super cute Halloween masks on she purchased from Amazon.

I need to get a few more flower bulbs to plant for spring as well. Not all of my tulips came up this year like last year.

I need to organize what I have to finish sewing for Christmas. I need to schedule and list priorities.  I love homemade gifts!!!

To all those new to my blog welcome. I'm not the most eloquent write but I do love homesteading.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Around the Homestead

So today we cleaned the barns out and put in fresh shavings and straw. (Well the guys did I just watched) 

The cows are almost fully weaned off their milk. They have been eating hay for a month and we are increasing their calf grain as we are decreasing their milk.
The sheep are doing really well. They sleep with the cows. Cecilia is still territorial but they just run away from her. Oreo doesnt mind them whatsoever.
I began cleaning the raised beds. I have the back ones to do now. I am already planning my garden for next year. :)
I had an amazing surprise today though. My potatoes actually grew! I was so shocked. When I checked them earlier this fall I guess I did not go deep enough in the soil. Next year im not going to bother planting potatoes in the potato bags. I'm just going to plant them in rows.

While I was collecting plantain today we had a little bird visit us. It flew on my arm and Wyatt caught it and released it.

We also heard a woodpecker but when I went to take a photograph he flew away.
I'm using a dehydrator I bought at a yard sale a few years ago for the first time. Im drying herbs in it I harvested. I was even able to save some seeds for the first time.

The rest of the herbs that wouldn't fit into the dehydrator I have on newspaper on my kitchen counter.
The only thing I have left to pull and save for next year are the gladiola bulbs!
The chickens and ducks are still laying eggs. We get 9-14 eggs a day. 
Our turkeys go Monday to be processed. It feels pretty amazing to raise our own food.
This past weekend I was able to attend Homesteaders of America conference for the first time as it was virtual. ( I missed a few of the lectures but will be able to watch them this week. I highly recommend becoming a member as there is just a wealth of knowledge for members!

Whether Jacob Sheep

I just realized I don't think I posted photos if our sheep Lamborghini "Lambo" and Lexus. They are extremely friendly and soft. They love to give kisses and the cows are their bff's.
In the spring we will have them sheared and the person who gave them to us is going to teach me how to spin and make my own yarn!! I was even shown how to trim their hooves. I think eventually we will get a couple more.