Monday, February 2, 2015

Thought this was the slow season??!!

The month of January has flown by. When people tell you the older you get the faster life flies by...certainly is truth!!!
Having a puppy I am trying to housebreak keeps me on my toes!!! If only some munchkins would pay attention to the signs given......all in due time right????? Oakley is learning pretty quickly. he is having fewer accidents. I noticed today he comes and sits at my feet. Let's out a few whimpers to let me know he needs to go out. Progress, baby steps.
Cutest things he does : gets the hiccups often and he snores in rhythm with hubby's.
I definitely love my animals.
I tried getting a pic of all 3 furry boys wrestling together but my miniature Daschund would run out of site when I would snap a pic. Maybe tomorrow!
Tomorrow I believe I will be making beef stew in the crock pot where the temps here are going to continue being Arctic. I feel bad for all the farm animals in this state on days such as these.
 Both of our dogs are not thrilled with their paws in the snow.I'm thinking of investing in some dog booties next winter for the boys.
Time for some sleep I suppose and hoping to waking up to a school day not a snow day!!

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