Thursday, April 8, 2021

Losing Lambi and essential oils

For those not following me on Facebook we lost Lambi on March 30th.  He didn't recover from his body temp dropping a second time and didn't drink enough milk to have enough nutrients in his system even though I used a medicine dropper to feed him. It was absolutely heart breaking.

Hamberguesas is doing excellent. She is a month old today!! Her moo is absolutely adorable.

I have started making some homemade household cleaners with essential oils.  My favorite to make is thieves cleaner. I use that for my bathrooms and sometimes kitchen counters.  I made some homemade floor cleaner with lemon, lavender and peppermint essential oils, water and hydrogen peroxide. We will be testing that put today to see how well it works.
I also use essential oils when someone has a belly ache or a headache.  
I bought some citronella essential oil take citronella candles for outside.  Most of the time I look up essential oil blends for the diffusers from pinterest and do seasonal scents. Thr boys enjoy their diffusers in their bedrooms.
Here is my collection of essential oils:

Tonight we will be putting soil in all of our window boxes and whiskey barrels. I cant wait to be able to plant flowers in all of them. This weekend I will plant peppers and tomatoes to start from seed. I also need to replant my onions and I don't think they got enough light and died off.

I received this wooden sign in thr mail yesterday and will be putting it in my craft room.

Flipflops and Margaritas. My favorite combination.

We are still waiting for the 6x6 posts we ordered for the barn. We have our cedar posts for fencing. Im thinking we will end up order another roll of field fencing for the animals. Once they get outside we will be scrubbing out the garage and placing fresh shavings and straw in there. 

We have a massive amount of eggs im hoping to sell some and will be trying my hand at pickled eggs

Have a great day today!

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